Really this trip isn't about me at all, it is about the Father's heart for His people. I do however, for my first blog post ever, want to share with you my story of how and why God is calling me to Ghana this year! So hear goes nothing:)
Something the Holy Spirit has been whispering to me about for weeks now is that there is a difference between wanting people to know how much I love Jesus, versus how much I want others to know His love for them! I never want to make my love for Jesus more than His love for you and I! His love is what heals and changes everything! I want to obey the call Jesus has placed in my heart, and live it out not just in word but deed too!
For a few years now, excuses have plagued my mind to keep me back from walking in my destiny or calling to international missions. To make this post more brief I won't go into all the details, but basically 2 years ago I was called for the first time to go to Ghana, West Africa. After a couple of months preparing with the missions team, the trip ended up not going through, so I went to Spain instead (everyone who knows me, knows I love the Spanish language and all Spanish speaking cultures!). Going to Spain was another crazy story of God opening up a lot of doors quickly, and I met so many beautiful and amazing people there; nonetheless, the desire placed in my heart to travel, talk with, and love on people from different cultures and countries was not fully satisfied. I knew deep down in my heart that the Lord was calling me to go deeper with Him, and that Spain was not the end, but the beginning to something incredible.
After Spain, I decided and had peace about not going on any more mission trips until I finished what the Lord had already placed before me...nursing school and getting a job! So by God's grace alone I accomplished that. Once I accomplished what I set out to accomplish, Holy Spirit kept speaking to me about missions and going on another trip, but life has been so busy, so I kept pushing it off. Well, this past December I had the privilege to go to the OneThing conference in Kansas City, Mossouri. The Lord encountered me in some really awesome ways, and for the first time in years He told me I would be a missionary again. There was even a crazy experience I had where I went to purchase a book at the bookstore, and when I went to pay, there was one book left by the register, and my eye caught a glimpse of it. The book was titled "The Fully Funded Missionary" by Rob Parker. The cashier saw me looking at it, and then she proceeded to tell me that the author was doing a book signing that very day, so I got to talk to him about missions as well!
When I look back at all that God did to open doors and grab my attention (the story above was just one thing the Lord did), I can't believe I was still not fully believing God was calling me to full time missionary work in the future.
This January I then went to an informational meeting for Susan Norris's ministry about sex trafficking at RiverStone church. That night changed everything for me. I know this sounds like it doesn't relate to the rest of my story, but I promise I'm getting there! Okay, so that night, as the meeting was coming to an end, they asked us to pray about how we feel led to support their non-profit, and so we listened to worship music and prayed. My mind could only focus on missions, and I couldn't even get one thought or prayer in about sex trafficking. So I started to pray about missions, and what I was supposed to do next. That is when the Holy Spirit told me to just admit it fully to myself that I will be a full time missionary. I completely surrendered, and said "okay God! Yes I will be a full time missionary." Instantly so much peace washed over my body. It was amazing.
I thought for the longest time I would go to South or Central America, then it was India, then the Middle East or part of the 10/40 window, and who knows, maybe I will one day! But Jesus set my eyes back to Africa again! So I decided to get in touch with my "Aunt and Uncle" Troy and Casie Haight. They are the leaders of this trip to Ghana, and the founders of One Step In Faith! I had already missed a couple of meetings for this trip to Ghana in September, and normally you can't miss more than one meeting to go on the trip. I knew I was coming in late, that they already had a team and plan, but I kept being prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask them if I could go to Ghana with them. Sure enough they excitedly said yes! Little did I know at the time that they had been praying for a 4th team member to go, and it ended up being me! I also, was able to get all the time off approved at work!
So I'm going to Ghana, West Africa in September with the non-profit One Step in Faith (OSIF). As a team we will get the opportunity to love on the children deemed "spirit children", who were rescued by OSIF, and the families taking care of these beautiful kids! It is such a blessing to know that these people are going to invite us into their homes, to eat, share stories, and just do everyday life with them. Like Casie mentioned in the first blog post, we aren't going to be heroes, we are going to share the Father's heart and Kingdom with them, and the foundation for that is love!
I don't know when or where I will be a full time missionary, because the Lord has me working as a full time nurse at Kennestone Hospital (and that is ministry work in itself) right now. So some specific prayer requests I have is to find clarity, peace, and direction while in Ghana to whether or not Ghana is the place I will be a full time missionary in, or Africa in general, or if God is leading me elsewhere. Also, what kind of full time missionary will I be? Will I live in the states, and go back and forth? Or will I live in another country? And does God want me to be more involved with OSIF on a more permanent basis? These are all questions through prayer and walking in faith while in Ghana, that I'm hoping to get revelation about.
Please also be praying for our team and the people of Ghana to encounter the Lord in new ways, and that His love would abound in all we do! May God be glorified in our preparation, while in Ghana, and when we return! Jesus deserves all of our praise. He is a good good Father!! God bless you all!
With all my love,
Alicia Bowles:)
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