Our New Journey...

  I have been typing artless blog posts over the years, mostly about our journeys to Ghana.  As the years have passed, in sharing our humble lives and journeys, I have found myself drawing closer to the Lord in what I write.  My desire has been to share in the spirit and the rhythm of what God is doing in our lives.  Many who know me, and those who only know me through my postings are quite aware, I’m thorough to a fault in what I write.  What I mean to say is, I’m wordy! 
There, I said it!  I admit it whole-heartedly!!!  You won’t get a quick note, short summary, or light read anytime I type, text, or send any message!  So, why would you expect any less from a blog, right?  I used to apologize for this, but I’ve realized in these more recent years, this is how I was created.  God made me this way, and so instead of trying to fit a round peg (me) into a square peg hole (short and to the point thinker and communicator); I have decided to mold my imperfection to perfection.  Basically, I don’t apologize anymore. 
  Recently, the Lord has been nudging me to chronicle our new journey.  (You know, we launched a new non-profit recently.)  I have stalled, as I often do, until I am sure this is what God wants me to do.  But, then there it was right in front of me, this is an opportunity to allow God to bless others by allowing them to witness His blessings as they flow through us from Him. I don't mean to imply life has been easy, or everything works out as we believe is best or wish they would.  I don't mean to imply we are perfect, and perfectly follow God's plans never wavering or failing.  Actually, I'm pretty sure we waver, flail, and fail quite often.  <insert sheepish smile here> No, we are just your average couple, seeking God.  Sometimes what we experience just doesn't make sense, but we know God's ways are the best ways.  We are learning to lean in, press in, and rely more on His guidance, covering, and direction more.  But, we still have a long way to go on this journey. 

   Over the last several years, I’ve read several books and stories about people in ministry where they have shared everything the Lord has taught them.  It has meant a lot to me to feel somewhat kindred in what they are going through.  It has grown me in my faith and my walk to relate to what they have learned.  It has given me perspective, through their transparency and frankness. Our life isn’t glamorous or super exciting.  We are not educated pastors or evangelists.  It is just, in these last years as we’ve accepted God’s invitation to follow Him where He is at work, we’ve learned a lot too.  And, I believe God has called everyone to be in community, sharing and helping one another.  If sharing how we’ve struggled and grown by God's hand, helps even one person then praise God!  I’ll do my best to be transparent with the good and bad.  But, one important thing to keep in mind, as I embark on this new process and you decide to periodically pop in to see how we are doing…this is a work in progress.  Your feedback and comments are encouraged.  Oh, and listen…I’ll always be wordy!
So…here goes…

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