The Village Meeting & GN's progress

So, what’s going on with GN.?  Since my last post, we have a few updates.  First…Dave and Ellen, Mama Laadi, and Grandma Mary have gone to the village and visited with the head of the family and elders, as well as GN’s great grandparents.  The grandfather, unfortunately, was too afraid to come to the meeting.  Instead, he sent a peace offering with one of his sons, which was given to Dave and Ellen.  The meeting went fairly well.  Right now, we’ve just accomplished one step…a huge step…in faith.  There, naturally, are still many points of concern, but Dave and Ellen will continue to work with the grandparents, the family, and the community to build a relationship.  This relationship will provide the opportunity for trust and accountability to grow.  Later today there will be an opportunity for Dave and the head of the family to go down and visit directly with the grandfather to ensure everyone is on the same page.  And, to ensure Grandma and GN will be safe.  Provided this face-to-face meeting with the grandfather goes well, today will mark the beginning of transition.  As the Lord prompts you, as GN passes through your mind, as you think of your neighbor – will you continue to lift up this boy, his healing, and the healing of this family.  We have a LONG way to go…but, even in the western skeptism…we are living in the belief yesterday was a big WIN for the KINGDOM.  We trust the promptings of the Lord.  (As Dave and Ellen were leaving, another woman came running up to them with her much younger child.  She was not from this “family unit”, but within the same village.  And, she too had an infant with visible neurological issues, and her infant had also been deemed a “spirit child”.  However, she had not abandoned her child.  She knew what has happened to GN…she is ready for her child to be Restored too!  Now, there is much more to process and sort through before helping this child, but the point is…GN’s testimony is already at work.  Thank you Jesus!!!) 

I was sharing with our board a week or so ago about a testimony I read by a young woman living in Uganda. The testimony was about listening to the soft promptings of the Lord, even when you’re weary.  The message I heard was the absolute power of prayer.  She was weary, she was just plain ole’ tired out!  She is young, yes, but she is raising 13 girls (ranging in ages from infant to teenagers), runs a feeding program 5 or so days a week in a nearby village for over 600 children, and many more things. She need to pick-up a few groceries, and went to the store (of course their grocery stores are a tad different than those here in USA J), in the rain, in a taxi (at this point in her ministry she had no vehicle).  She shared, you know those moments when you are tired, you want to go in, get, and get out.  You put on your blinders and just want to pass through quickly and be done.  Well, she tried to put on her blinders, but the soft prompting of the Lord led her eyes to a young boy sitting in the corner shivering from the rain.  She approached him to help him out.  She gave him some biscuits (some type of cookie), a drink, gave him her sweatshirt, and got him a taxi ride home.  She shared; it wasn’t a lot of time out of her day, and it helped this young boy.  She shared; the expense was very minimal (it was like less than $1), except for the sweatshirt, which she said she probably had 8 in her drawer at home.  As he was leaving, he asked for her name.  It was like a year later, she happened to be back in that store, when a small child was yelling her name and nearly knocked her down to the ground with a hug of excitement.  He said, I’ve been praying for you!  I’ve been praying for you every day.  He went out of the store, bought her a little something from a vendor.  In this whole year, he was praying for her!  In this whole year, when she was going about her day doing what she feels called to do…he had been praying for her.  Yesterday, as we were getting caught up from Dave and Ellen on what was happening with GN, and the village meeting, Ellen shared…the great grandmother (grandfather’s mother) explained to them, she had been praying for us.  Those people who came and rescued GN, her great grandson, she had been praying for them every day.  Praise God!!!  She was praying not just for GN, but she thought to pray for us.  (Let me pause; because you might be asking – they pray – are they Christian?  If they are Christian, why would they belief in spirit children and witch doctors?  Something important to know, it is common for Africans to convert to a religion and yet actually sit on the fence of their past indigenous belief as well.  Example:  Near the village we are hoping to adopt outside of Kumasi we had spent a few days back in 2010.  During this time, we met “Benjamin the Methodist Monk”.  Due to the sensitivity of yesterday’s meeting, it was felt premature to bring up faith.  But, from what Mama Laadi shared with us back in February, it is not likely they are Christian).  The point is she thought to pray for us.

Well, you have probably noticed, we are pretty protective of GN and so we haven’t posted very many pictures.  Protection from so many dangers and other concerns we are just learning to guard against has led us to limit images posted.  However, knowing a picture says a thousand words.  A picture gives you something tangible to hold onto.  The below images are of GN.  The picture on the right was Saturday, 9 days after surgery.  The picture on the left was Sunday (being held by his great-grandmother), 10 days after surgery.  Let me end this posting with an awesome testimony!  Today, GN is able to hold his head up completely by himself!!!  COMPLETELY!  (He does get tired, and so his head will give way when he's tired. J) He is able to move his legs!!  If you hold onto him, he is able to support his weight on his legs.  Seriously, are you reading this? up his head! use & build strength in his legs...ALREADY!  The image to the right is demonstrating how he is holding his weight on Grandma Mary’s legs.  OMGoodness!  It is absolutely amazing!!!  Praise God! Thank you Jesus!  We are nothing without you, and thank you so much for allowing us to be involved with you in this work you are doing in Bolga.  Thank you for allowing us to join you, in your plans to rescue, rehabilitate, and restore hope through this little boy!  Jesus, you were already at work and you invited us to join you...and we will be forever changed.  GN, sweet boy, you are forever the first OSIF baby and we are SOOOOO...proud to be a part of your journey!  Dave & Ellen, we will all be praying as you are looking and watching where the Lord is leading you in your part of this invitation, long-term.  Thank you Jesus! 


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