Jolia, Baby Y & Brother A Update: Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12

Jolia, Baby Y & Brother A:

First and foremost – Jolia and Brother A know Jesus LOVES them!!  If you remember, Jolia was a devout Muslim.  Through just going and doing what God calls us all to do, Jolia felt and experienced the LOVE of Jesus and sought after him.  Today, she is attending an underground church for Muslim converts.  It is difficult, as “coming out” can cause isolation and many other issues.  But, when asked, Jolia – Do you know Jesus loves you?  She answered, “YES!”.  When asked, “Jolia, does Brother A know Jesus loves him?”  She answered, “YES!”.  Can you imagine being Dave & Ellen, sitting with her that day she professed out loud to them…Jesus is her savior!  Praise Jesus!!! More souls! 

Baby Y. Baby Y is another spirit child.  Unfortunately, medically it was discovered he was born without a frontal lobe.  Although there is nothing that can be done for him medically, Jesus says he was given life, so we are to stand in the gap and give him the opportunity for life.  And, as the earlier update on the new baby, Baby J tells you…his story is his purpose!  Right now, he is in the hospital, with malaria.  He started a new medicine today, so hopefully he will be improving soon.

Brother A.  Brother A, has been officially diagnosed with chronic Hepatitis B.  The medicine he requires is very expensive, about $450/month, which he requires for 6 months.  In addition to the medicine need, he needs a doctor willing to administer and monitor his condition.  Strangely enough, that is easier said than found.  Ideally, it would be better for a local doctor, to allow Jolia and Brother A to go to the doctor on their own for periodic appointments.  However, no doctors in reasonable distance have been willing to take on his case.  Much prayer needed here!  In addition to his medicine concerns, his current physical condition is important.  Brother A travels VERY far back/forth by bicycle to school/home each day. The doctor was concerned that although exercise is good, strenuous stress on the liver is NOT good for him. Dave & Ellen have researched alternative transportation and school options.  What appears to be the better option is to allow him to finish school this year at his current school (in his last term of P6), paying for a taxi to transport him to/from school each day (about $40/mo).  Then, next year have him start JSS (Junior High School) at a private school that has a school bus pickup close by his home (about $250/year).  We are praying for God’s direction & guidance, provision.  Jolia has her hands full with two sick children right now.  The burden of a single mom, converted Muslim, in Northern Ghana with a spirit child without a frontal lobe with malaria and an almost 12 year old with chronic Hep B.  But, it’s the times of Acts – everything is possible through Jesus Christ and we are all in this together!  We are all praying and we are all standing in the gap for them. 

Thank you Dave & Ellen for being there, sharing your life and hearts!

Thank you for keeping us updated when we can’t be there!

Thank you…for saying YES and going!  Thank you to your families who miss you while you are gone!  I know it is a sacrifice, but they should know how thankful we are for it is because you are there – because you said YES – these children are a part of OSIF.

Thank you to all the supporters and sponsors of the children and families.  You have no idea what a difference you are making the lives of these children. 

And, if you made it through all the updates…you deserve a medal!  Let me know and I’ll see what I can do to get you one!!  LOL!  I know, little Miss Wordy here!  But, hey…it’s been awhile and there is a lot to share.  Our kids have a lot to share about their lives!  Hugs and thank you!!!


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